Tuesday, May 24, 2016

New Email Address for Kathy Patterson.................babesfromthewoods@gmail.com

Good afternoon!
For a lot of you that have not heard from me for while, I am moving on the 15th of June.  Due to the move I have to reluctantly change my email address.  You currently have toysintheattic@sympatico.ca as my email but effectively now I am asking you to update your address book and replace my old email address with my new one effective immediately.  The old email address will not be working at all very shortly and I don't want to miss hearing from you!
My new email address is:  babesfromthewoods@gmail.com        
Please start using this email address now.
Many thanks,
Kathy Patterson

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Just a little busy here!!

For those of you who faithfully follow my dolls and all that goes on here in my studio, I must explain:
Our house finally sold to a family that is so excited to be moving into our piece of heaven.  I have also bought a fabulous renovated 1929 School House that I will be delighted to show you once we move and get settled in.
In the midst of this, on the 20th of March,  my son had an ATV accident and has a badly broken leg that required major surgery and then again emergency surgery so caring for him has been consuming my doll making time completely,  and in-between running to doctors and hospitals to see surgeons I have been packing and trying to prepare for this move on my own.
I am exhausted to say the least.
I do not normally share personal things on my site but felt I needed to explain the lack of new dolls to show to you.
Prior to the Nick's accident I had been working on some dolls and they will certainly be available............soon, I hope!
Wish me well, and keep checking back.  Doll making will resume!
