Tuesday, January 30, 2018

A Few Special Orders To Share.........................SOLD

These are all special orders of late.  They are all sold but I thought I would share some quick photos.
Ignore the background mess.  These are mostly as I was working.
If you have any questions about a special order doll for you, just email me:  babesfromthewoods@gmail.com 

All of the above dolls are SOLD.
Thanks for visiting

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Hand Carved, Fully Jointed, Wooden Queen Ann Style Dolls..............UNDRESSED or DRESSED.............SOLD

Dolls available, either undressed or dressed.  Inquire.   If anyone is looking for an undressed Doll to dress themselves this is a good time to contact me as I have been doing a LOT of carving.
Please inquire if you need more info or would if you would like more photos of the dolls that are  here and both ready and being worked on.