Sunday, April 23, 2017

6 1/4" Higgs Pincushion Doll..................Truly Wonderful!! .......................SOLD

I could not wait to share photos of this darling little Higgs pincushion doll.  I have wanted to make this little pincushion doll for a long time.  Here she is!
Her little corset is just over an inch long and her hand quilted petticoat is antique and so perfect for her. 
Enjoy all the photos.
If you have questions or would like more photos just email me:

She is SOLD


Hope you enjoyed seeing this pincushion doll.
She is SOLD

Monday, April 17, 2017

Meet 16 1/2" Marie Higgs, Fully Jointed and Swivel Head William Higgs Type Wooden Doll.......................SOLD

I have to say, this Higgs is amazing!  Her Fabric is absolutely fabulous and from the late 1700's.  Marie Higgs wears it so well.  She is fully jointed and she has a swivel head and attitude :)
She has wonderful soft patina both on her head and amazing body and hands.  I just love her and hope you do too.  Her cap is made from some very early lace from the UK.  Her silk shoes are darling.  I have posted a bunch of photos of her but if you would like more just email me:
Marie Higgs is SOLD
Marie's darling silk shoes

Marie Higgs is stunning and so much nicer than these photos.


Fabulous antique silk!


Saturday, April 1, 2017

14" ALICE, Hand Carved Queen Anne Doll, Fully Jointed..................................SOLD

Alice is finished now and available in all her finery!!
She has a tiny vinegarette hanging at her waist with an old bow.  She is dressed in VERY early silk that is so amazing.  Her stockings look like they were hand knit on pins, they are so fine.  Every stitch of her petticoat is tiny and hand done.
The lace on her cap, neck and elbows is all very early from the UK.
She is really amazing and has a wonderful unique look to her face that my photos do not quite capture as I would like.  Trust me, she is soooooooooo  much nicer in person.  Her silk shoes are darling and trimmed in tiny silk rosettes.
Her apron is removable and made of very early silk/cotton
Lots of photos!
IF you have questions or would like more photos just email me: 

Alice is SOLD


Alice sits well on a small chair if you have one.
She is SOLD

I love her little smug face
She has attitude!

Alice is SOLD

Georginia..............Stunning 18" Hand Carved Wooden Queen Anne Doll.....................(Custom Order) SOLD

I am just sharing some photos of a doll that I was asked to make especially for a special lady!
Some of the photos are from when I was working on her.



9 1/2" Hand Carved Wooden William Higgs Type Doll................................SOLD

Just had to share this little Higgs with you.  She is so sweet and all dressed in very early silk of which I used every morsel!

She is SOLD but Alice is AVAILABLE.  Scroll down to see Alice.

Excuse the mess!  She now has little stockings and leather stitched on shoes.

Her friend sitting with her is Alice.