Friday, September 30, 2016

14" Elizabeth Higgs..........Do Take A Look! ............................SOLD

I am thrilled to present to you Elizabeth Higgs in all her finery.  She is 14" tall and has a swivel head, fully jointed, leather fingerless gloves, a 3 piece Chatelaine, tiny cross necklace and of course all dressed up in early antique fabrics and lace.  Her jacket is just the most exquisite early silk damask that is kind of a pumpkin/coral shade.  She has amazing patina  and real personality!
Almost forgot to mention her tiny hand knit antique stockings and silk shoes trimmed in amazing early ribbon work.
She is stunning from top to bottom.
Elizabeth is all hand carved from Basswood.
Elizabeth Higgs is SOLD
If you would like more photos or info please email me:
I hope you enjoy all the photos.




I hope you have enjoyed meeting Elizabeth Higgs!
Elizabeth Higgs is now SOLD

Friday, September 16, 2016

I'm Back!! And thank you all for your patience......................

I have been slowly getting back into doll making in the last couple of weeks.  I have so missed my long days of carving and painting and sewing and presenting you with dolls to view.  Doll making is such a huge part of who I am but was forced to take a break since the 20th of March 2016 to be able to care for my son after his accident.  Mid June we moved to our new/old school house that I purchased.  That was chaotic for Nick, Holly and I as it was a big move and a lot to do and poor Nick on crutches and IV into late July.  He is on the mend and limping around but thankfully he did not loose his leg. 
Enough about that..............
I have had many emails asking if I was still going to be making dolls and the answer is YES!
Now that my studio is unpacked and somewhat organized I have been carving, painting and sewing! 
Feel free to email me anytime to see what I am working on as sometimes the dolls are sold before I can get them on my site.
I am trilled to show you this 11" Higgs type doll that I just finished!



More dolls in the works here!
Thank you all for your patience.
I have had so many lovely emails of concern for both my and Nick and Holly and I thank you all for your kind words.
Keep watching!
Thank you,

Just had to share:

Hi Kathy,      Oh wow, my beautiful Lady Higgs just arrived and I'm so thrilled with her!   I'm so excited about this beautiful doll!   She is so lovely, just perfect in every way.  The fabric of her gown is just stunning - just love the colors in it.  And her beautiful shoes are the perfect match.  She is exquisitely dressed from head to toe!   Her face is beautiful, such a sweet expression.  Once again, your craftsmanship and artistry are astounding.  All of the tiny little stitches are amazing, and I love how her gown ties up in the back.  I just completely love her!  Thank you sooo much!  It's so nice to see your beautiful dolls again, and I know you are happy to be creating them once again. It's obvious that each one is truly a labor of love.  Thank you for making these amazing dolls - they bring such happiness!