Monday, September 21, 2015

Presenting Nellie an 18" Hand Carved, Fully Jointed, Wooden Queen Anne Doll............SOLD

Nellie is fully jointed with wooden upper arms and linen tied elbow joints.  Nellie is jointed at the hips and knees as well (photos available upon request) and she sits or stands well. She is dressed in the most beautiful shade of faded aqua blue silk damask.  These photos really do not do justice to her colouring.  The lace apron, lace sleeves and lace at her neck and cap are all 1700's hand made lace that is exquisite and has wonderful patina.  Her shoes are also very early embroidered silk.  Her petticoat is antique cotton with the tiniest of hand stitched pin tucks (photos available up request).
She comes complete with bum roll that makes her silk gown sit perfectly on her hips.  Her gown is very full and drapes beautifully.  Do scroll down and see all the photos and close ups of her face!
Nellie is looking for a good home.  I have posted a lot of photos of her trying to capture he elegant look and the wonderful patina on her face and clothing.  If you have questions or would like more photos of Nellie just email me:

Great patina!

This photo below best shows the colour of her silk gown.

Tiny hand stitched lacing holes

Exquisite lace!!


Sunday, September 6, 2015

15" Lady Spencer in her finery!! My Newest Hand Carved Wooden Queen Anne Doll............SOLD

I hope you enjoy seeing all the photos I have posted of Lady Spencer.  She is 15" tall and full of attitude as you can see.  She is dressed from head to toe in very early faded slightly glazed cotton......wonderful! Her beads are tiny antique amber glass beads that suit her colouring so well.
Her little shoes are silk with thin leather soles. 
She has yards of matching fancy cut ruching to match her dress.  I hand cut it all with my antique fancy cutter that I have had for years.  So fun to do but many hours of sewing!  I am so pleased with the way she turned out and I hope you are too.
Lady Spencer has a very full antique petticoat with the tiniest stitches ever.  She is amazing from top to bottom including her fully jointed body.
Her face is so sweet and she has amazing patina, much more amazing in person.
If you wish to see her body or would like more photos just ask.  If you have questions just email me:
Lady Spencer is SOLD.


Please read the lovely email that I just received from the lucky lady that just opened up the box with Lady Spencer in it!!
Lady Spencer just arrived!!!  She is beautiful - simply stunning, and I'm so very thrilled for her!!! I'm just so happy to be able to give her a good home!  Your craftsmanship and artistry is just outstanding.  She is breathtaking and I think I'll just sit and stare at her for the rest of the afternoon!   Thank you!!!