Monday, January 27, 2014

23" Christine has found a wonderful home!......................SOLD

I am pleased to introduce you to Christine.  She is 23" tall and fully jointed.  Christine looks like she was found in an attic.  She has that nice old patina on her face, hands and body.  Her eyes are antique black glass pupiless eyes and her hair is some really old hair from an early doll that I repurposed for her.  Her long jacket is made from very early block printed cotton that is amazing.  Her hand quilted petticoat is a very good match to the faded blue in her jacket but I was having trouble getting good photos.  She has silk shoes and a cloth flat hat to match her jacket and lace up corset/bodice.  Her clothes, other than her chemise are all removable.  She also has removable tie on sleeveletts to complete her look.  Her cap is very early hand made lace that I made into a cap for her and it removes as well.   She also has an extra petticoat that is all hand stitched and wonderful!  She would be a great doll if you like to sew and wanted to make a trousseau for her.  She stands and sits well and loves to be spoiled with clothing!
Christine is SOLD.
If you would like more photos or have questions, just email me.



Monday, January 20, 2014

17" Annie, Fully Jointed Wooden Queen Anne Doll...............SOLD

Meet Annie.  She is 17" tall and fully jointed.  She is dressed in a really great antique block printed linen from England.  I tried to capture the colour of her dress but the flash is giving me grief.  The fabric is a creamy beige and a faded coral/reddish colour.  So much nicer in person and more faded. 
Annie has antique black glass eyes and her patina is really very believable.  She has the very tiny dotted eyebrows, typical of these 1780-1790's dolls. 
If you have any questions or would like more photos just let me know:


Monday, January 6, 2014

Handcarved Wooden Queen Anne doll, 9 1/2" Ella...................SOLD

Here is 9 1/2” Ella.  I could not wait to show you my first completed doll of 2014!  She is so sweet.  Her eyes are antique black pupiless glass eyes.  She is hand carved from basswood and dressed in 18th Century hand painted silk that is to die for!  I had been coveting this piece for several years and it suits Ella just perfectly I think.

Her patina is really wonderful and I hope you can see it well in the photos below.  She has beautiful, delicate hands that I carved for her. 

I hope you love her.  Ella is SOLD. If you would like more photos or have any questions, just email me:

Thanks for looking.

Happy New Year!