Saturday, September 29, 2012

19" Izannah Walker Doll.....................SOLD


I just finished a  really wonderful 19" Izannah Walker doll, all dressed and ready to find a home. She is wearing the sweetest faded blue dress with butterfly sleeves and a gathered waist and neckline,
Her little ringlets are so sweet and the aging to her head is really believable!  Her petticoat and bloomers are made from Antique fabrics as well.
If you have questions or would like to have more photos of her just email me: 
Dear Kathy, I can't begin to express my delight upon unwrapping this doll! She has such charisma and is able to blend in perfectly with my early antique dolls. The love and attention you put into making these Izannahs is so evident. Such appropriate details including the clothing. This doll has a wonderful karma about her that is usually only found on a well loved favorite doll belonging to a child of long ago. Thank you, Kathy you are truly gifted. My best to you, Linda

Thursday, September 27, 2012

24" Eloise, a hand carved Queen Anne Doll...............SOLD

I have a really wonderful 24" hand carved wooden Queen Anne doll all finished here and available.  I have just named her Eloise.  She is completely dressed and ready to find a new home.  She is exquisite, right down to her hand stitched quilted petticoat!  Her face is truly wonderful and serene and her patina is perfect if I do say so myself!  She is so much nicer than these photos.  Her lace up bodice is very worn cotton/silk velvet and her over skirt is my favourite Jacobean print.
It is time for me to work on some smaller dolls, even though I just LOVE these big dolls!  Eloise stands well or sits well too if you have a lovely chair for her.

If you have questions or would like more photos just email me:


I almost forgot to show Eloise's accessories.  This is her Chatelaine with her pinball, scissors and thimble as well as her hand embroidered pocket!



Tuesday, September 25, 2012

24" Rebecca, Queen Anne Wooden Doll, arrived at her new home today!......SOLD

I have to share a photo of lovely Rebecca.  She just arrived with UPS today after her long journey in a box with lots of packing!  She is a big doll for sure and her arrival has been much anticipated. 
She is SOLD and delivered but I do have her 24" sister here awaiting some clothing and accessories.  If you are interested in photos of her so far just email me.
I just have to share the note I just received from Rebecca's new owner!  Lovely emails like this make it all worth while!  Thank you!
Dear Kathy,

What a great day! The big awaited arrival has finally come !
Here is Rebecca checking out her new home and I think she has decided that it suits her just fine. She declared that she feels right at home in these surroundings. I can't stop looking at her! She is so remarkable ! Every little detail ,every single item is so perfect. She is such a treasure and I am so lucky. I was cleaning house and trying to listen for the UPS man to arrive. I must have had the vacuum on! My husband came into the room where I was cleaning. He had a huge smile on his face and a big box in his hands. I didn't even shut the vacuum off , I just dropped it!! Opening that box was such fun! Her pockets are just so beautiful ,I can't get over them .Her little slippers, cap and that fabulous hat!! Where do I start? She has such a beautiful face .I love her dress ,she looks just perfect in it. The colors really set off her face. Thank you so much ! You made this a great experience and I loved our emails . I feel like I have a new kindred spirit for a friend!
Oh and thank you for the lovely little pin! I am putting that on my favorite jacket. Rebecca is going with me to Connecticut . I think the ladies in the workshop will love to see her!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

24" Olivia, English Queen Anne Doll..............SOLD

Olivia arrived at her new home today but I thought I would share a photo of her and the kind email that I just received.

Olivia was a custom order.  I so enjoyed working on this doll and all of her accessories.
Hi Kathy:
Olivia has arrived!!! Words cannot express her loveliness! She is more wonderful than I expected, and her photos, as fabulous as they are, don't compare to how gorgeous she is in person!. She is so finely detailed....I can hardly believe it. Her features are so delicate and just absolutely stunning. I don't know how you do it Kathy! You are such a wonderfully talented amaze me!!! And, your sewing skills are beyond compare. The teeny tiniest little stitches and perfect little seams! How on earth do you make these great accessories? The corset is exquisite! And the embroidered pocket is gorgeous and looks original. She is absolute PERFECTION! Love the fabric choices and the quilted petticoat is precious too. Just LOVE her!!! Thank you so so much, and for your attention to detail. You are the finest doll artist I know....I am so very pleased and feel very fortunate to have her in my collection.