Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I am pleased to introduce you to 11" Lily-Ann, my latest English Wooden Queen Anne doll......SOLD

This is Lily-Ann.  She is 11" tall and has a very sweet face.  Her flat hat and dress are all handmade with some early cotton that I have been coveting!  She is dressed in shades of mutted mauve, taupe and a touch of red.  Love these colours on her!
She has tiny hand stitched slippers.  Hanging from her waist are a tiny pair of scissors and her little vinaigrette.  Under her dress she has a very full hand stitched petticoat..
I hope you enjoy the photos.
Lily-Ann is SOLD.

If you have questions or would like more photos, just email me:

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

11 1/2" William Higgs 1680's English Wooden Doll........SOLD

I have an 11 1/2" William Higgs wooden doll finished and SOLD.
I have not made a Higgs doll in quite a while and this one will not disappoint!  Her face and patina are wonderful and her small size is very endearing.  She is dressed in fine antique wool paisley.
If you have questions or would like more photos of Irene Higgs, just email me.