Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Little Anna..........I almost forgot to put her photos on for you to see!


This is Anna, in her undergarments.

I have decided to sell Anna just as she is in her undies!
I do get requests to sell my Queen Annes undressed so that the new owners can dress them. Here is one that needs clothes if anyone is interested.
She is fully jointed and has the sweetest face with big black glass antique eyes and dotted eyebrows. Her sister, Belle, is in the background and all dressed. Anna is envious!
Let me know if you would like more photos or information about Anna or any of the other dolls for sale at this time.
thanks for looking!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Miss Erma Higgs!!


Here we have the lovely Miss Erma Higgs. She measures about 20" tall and is fully jointed and hand carved from basswood. She is in the style of the early William Higgs dolls from about 1680.
I am so pleased with how she turned out and I hope she gets a good home. Her clothes are made of early linen and wool overshot fabric that I have been saving for just the right Queen Anne doll. Lucky Erma!
She has an antique cotton petticoat and bum-roll so her dress, which is longer in the back than in the front, stands out nicely on her wooden hips! Her pocket, which I know should be on this inside of her skirt, is made of a morsel of very old crewel work that I had here. Erma has decided to wear her pocket on the outside of her dress just to show it off. You could un-tie it and slip it up under her skirt, but what fun would that be!
She sits or stands well.
If you would like more photos of Erma or any of her younger sisters that are here and complete and ready for sale, just email me at toysintheattic@sympatico.ca and I will be happy to answer any questions or send more photos of any of the completed dolls that I have at the moment.
Erma is so much more lovely in person than in these photos.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunny Sunday!

The Higgs type in the antique crewel skirt is SOLD, as is the naked Higgs type in the back of this photo.
The baby Jayne Higgs and the 14" Belle are available for sale. SOLD

Just a couple of photos to share on a sunny Sunday!

I am cleaning my studio........and not a moment too soon!!!! These wooden ladies are watching me and some are asking if I might get around to finishing them off soon. The answer, of course, is yes..............as soon as I clean up my mess!
Anyone who has a work space will understand this. One can only take so much until it is time to re-organize.
Have a great day,

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Baby Jayne........Higgs...

This is Baby Jayne.
She is 18 1/2" long and with her gown she measures 23 1/2" long.
She is fully jointed. Her gown is totally hand stitched and so is her underskirt/slip.
She is in the Higgs style of 1680 and her patina is wonderful. She is hand carved from basswood.
She is finished and now available for sale.
If you would like more photos or information, just email me at: toysintheattic@sympatico.ca
Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Finally some good photos of Ally....


Ally has been finished for a while but I guess I did not get good photos of her on here for you to see. So, here she is. 20" tall and fully jointed. See her little pocket and key!
She has antique black glass eyes and tiny dots on her eyebrows and eyelids. She is very sweet, but large!
If you have questions, just email me toysintheattic@sympatico.ca.
Ally can also be seen in the latest copy of Early American Life magazine along with our home. It is the new Christmas Issue that has just come out for 2009. If you would like to see our home be sure to pick up a copy or call EAL and order one and a subscription.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

14" Belle is now finished.........


Here is Belle, all dressed in her silk finery!
She is 14" tall and fully jointed. She is carved from basswood and nicely aged to suit her intended age of about 1730.
Her eyes are antique black glass eyes.
Her face is very pale but sweet.
If you would like more photos or information just email me:
Thanks for looking.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Rose in her undergarments!


Here is sweet little Rose.

She is 13 1/2" tall and dressed in her underclothing only!
She has a lace up corset and a wonderful little petticoat made of antique embroidered cotton.
Rose has tiny dotted eyebrows and antique black glass eyes.
She has the look a young Queen Anne from about 1730 give or take a decade!
Her slippers are silk and her cap is made from a fabulous very early piece of lace.
She is so charming and quite a bit smaller than some of the more recent dolls I have been making.
Thanks for taking a look.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Lyla is finished..........................


Here is a small wooden that I have been working on for the last week or so......
She is quite a bit smaller than the ones I have been doing but really very sweet!
I will be working on another small doll this week too.
Feel free to email me if you are interested in seeing the next one.....
Thanks for looking!